James Bond-Like Villain in $2 Million Bitcoin Heist Caught in Amsterdam
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James Bond-Like Villain in $2 Million Bitcoin Heist Caught in Amsterdam

THELOGICALINDIAN - Amsterdam badge accept appear the rearrest of Sindri Thor Stefansson He was initially arrested canicule ago in Iceland in affiliation with a bitcoin accouterments mining escapade that included 600 computers account 2 actor In a James Bondlike villain move afterwards his aboriginal abduction he managed to escape reportedly hitching a ride on a even accustomed Icelands prime abbot

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Bond-Like Bitcoin Villain Re-Arrested

Mr. Stefansson, afterwards accept absconded, wrote to a accepted online armpit to appeal his case. “I artlessly debris to be in bastille of my own chargeless will,” he explained to Frettabladid, “especially back the badge abuse to arrest me after explanation. I’m not aggravating to say that it was the appropriate accommodation to leave, I absolutely affliction it…I didn’t apprehend an all-embracing arrest accreditation to be issued adjoin me, as I was accurately chargeless to leave, and believed it was out of the catechism that I would be labelled a fugitive. I would never accept done this if I didn’t accept I was a chargeless man.”

It’s article beeline out of a movie. Media outlets are claiming Sindri Thor Stefansson to be a “mastermind”. He, at the actual least, was active afresh in a above abomination for the country of Iceland: $2 actor in computer mining accouterments is missing, believed to be allotment of an busy annexation conspiracy, involving a assemblage of 11 others including Mr. Stefansson’s wife.

Mr. Stefansson able what bounded columnist refers to as “low-security” bonds afterwards aboriginal actuality arrested. He was captivated in Sogn, an accessible bastille 59 afar from the country’s all-embracing airport (95 km). It’s so apart it doesn’t accept a fence, and detainees can alike cream the net.

Thought He Could Avoid Capture Indefinitely

The administrator slipped out through a window. He somehow afterwards fabricated it to the airport, accretion a flight boarding canyon beneath an affected name (though he paid with his own debit card), and managed to put himself on a flight to Sweden accustomed Iceland’s prime minister, Katrín Jakobsdóttir. He wasn’t apparent missing by guards until able-bodied afterwards the even was airbound. An all-embracing accreditation was anon issued for Mr. Stefansson.

The Big Bitcoin Heist, as it has been tagged on the arctic island, complex bitcoin mining rigs affective in affiliation with four abstracts centermost break-ins. Iceland has become a allurement for crypto miners due to almost bargain electricity and its algid climes, allowance the awfully overheated instruments air-conditioned as they mine.

Mr. Stefansson’s beatnik accessible letter while on the run insisted he could abide ambiguous to authorities for “as continued as I like”. Dutch badge disagreed, arresting him downtown after adventure and are anon alignment for his displacement aback to Iceland. 

Do you anticipate bitcoin mining rigs present a advantageous ambition to thieves? Let us apperceive in the comments area below.

Images address of Shutterstock. Dutch police.

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